Hey there, readers and fellow fans! Welcome to a brand new blogspot out here on the web! I don't know what sort of crazy winds or waves brought you here, but I'm so glad you dropped by! My name is Clara Murphy, and I am the Queen of Fandoms!
Well, okay, maybe not the queen of all fandoms, but definitely several. Non-fans will probably see this as a lot, but you know, that's fine by me. It probably is a bit much by ordinary terms. So anyway, time to explain why this thing even exists. An origin story, if you will.
Imagine me as the fangirl side of some perfectly ordinary girl. I'm being let loose here for a while, so I won't interfere with normal things. (Don't worry, though: this isn't some weird split-personality thing like Jekyll and Hyde). So perhaps for that reason, the posts on this blog won't be very scheduled. Sort of come-when-you-can and go-when-you-must.
But, seeing as this is my lovely little outlet by which all fandom-related things can escape my head, I feel I should warn you. Randomness may abound. Crazy crossovers, theories, fanfic, pictures, and reviews are what this whole thing is about. I don't pretend to be an expert on any of these fandoms, so please don't expect me to know all the facts about them. I don't. This is a place for me to put forth all the crazy things bouncing around in my head, and give them something to do other than bother my normal side.
You can comment on any of my posts and share thoughts, opinions, or random facts related to the fandom in the post. But I have a few rules. No graphic violence is to be described in comments or depicted in any pictures shared. No sex scenes/nudity or really suggestive details are to be described, depicted, or referenced. No bad language is to be used in anything. Any comments including any of this will be rejected. This is a blog where fans of any age can come on, and not have to worry about bad things. If I ever do a post that's a little... er, creepy or something, I'll have a warning for the more sensitive types right at the beginning.
Also, side note: this is not a political blog. I'm just here to put up fun little fandom things, theories or pictures or things like that, and maybe blow your mind along the way. So if you're looking for a fight, do it elsewhere. If you want to know what my views are, you're completely welcome to deduce them for yourself from the things I say. You can guess, if you'd like. But this is a blog for my own fandom ramblings: clean and simple.
Now, moving on from the rules, let's get into some of (in no particular order) my favourite fandoms!
Back to the Future
I love, love, love time travel, and this is one of the most epic time-travel trilogies of all time. (Extra points for alliteration!) There are SOOOOOO many reasons I could list, but that would take weeks. So, I'll give you an introduction. I recently discovered a post by Grace Newsom on Back to the Future, and she nails it completely! You wanna know why I love Back to the Future? Read that post. Well, some of the reasons why.
Magic is also a big thing for me. I've watched and read tons of stories about it, and this is a pretty memorable one! I guess that's obvious, though. I followed the adventures of Harry and his friends since I was a kid, and I really loved it. (I use the Four Houses for all kinds of Sorting. Seriously, I think I use that more than Myers-Briggs.) Purists will squirm, but I've not read the books. But I have been told some plot holes were fixed in the movies, which is great. People say Order of the Phoenix was the worst book, but I feel like it was my favourite movie (SO MUCH EPIC!). And come on, Alan Rickman as Snape! Can the books match that? It's not a perfect story, but it's a great one for sure.
Star Wars
Yeah, everyone's heard of this one. I loved the originals, of course. Classic! This is a movie that's extremely influential in a lot of ways. (Well, okay, so are some of the others, but even Back to the Future referenced this!) The prequels were kind of meh... though I did soooort of like them, just for seeing how things got the way they were. And then, there was the Force Awakens. And hits the snooze button. If it's anything like me, it will probably hit it two or three times before it actually gets up. I have mixed feelings about certain things, but I did like it. Sort of. Rogue One was okay, not too bad. And I can't wait to see what else they come up with (hopefully, they won't screw it up, like lots of sequels have done).
YEAH! Who ya gonna call? This one was actually a bit of an accident, and I haven't even seen the entire movie, but I know a lot about it. I was actually quoting along with Janine when I watched the Call Scene. I felt freakishly over-informed when I was watching it. But it was a boatload of fun, and I can't wait to watch more! (Please don't ask me about the reboot yet, I haven't got time to go into rant mode. Just no.)
More than meets the eye! It's pretty fun. I think the shows are the biggest part of it, for me. Transformers Prime was epic (gotta love Ratchet!) and I honestly feel like the multiple-parted pilot episode should be edited into a movie. Rescue Bots was loads of fun, and very interesting (ANYTHING can happen in Griffin Rock, including the impossible). The Bumblebee one I haven't seen much of, but I did like a couple of the characters. The original one was a little overloaded with Bots, sort of weird sometimes, but fun (loved Ironhide!) and quite classic. But the movies... well, I've only seen the first one. There were a few things I liked, but a lot of things that made no sense. The one I think I may like was the one right before the newest one. Who knows?
Pirates of the Caribbean
YES! Jack Sparrow is awesome! Sorry, Captain Jack Sparrow. Will is a great guy, Elizabeth (for a while) was a clever heroine, and the secondaries were pretty fun as well. The first one is completely AWESOME! The second one was okay, but definitely not quite as good. The third one... meh. Don't like what I've seen of it (though the song gave me chills). I mean, NO SPARROW for the first, like, forty minutes, and maybe longer! Come on! Anyway, haven't seen the fourth or fifth, but I really want to see the fifth. You have no idea how much I want to see the fifth. I hear some great characters may return, along with some interesting new ones. And characters are a huge thing for me.
Chronicles of Narnia
These books are my childhood. I also kinda like the Space Trilogy, another work by CS Lewis. (Should it be Space Trilogy? They don't call it 'space', EVER) But Narnia is wonderful. I love Silver Chair especially (Puddleglum is one great character, and his speech in the scene with the Lady is incredible!). CS Lewis was a great writer. These books are just wonderful, and very... timeless, really. The movies, though, are not really my thing. The first, they did pretty good. Dawn Treader was okay. We do not speak of the second movie. Though I do have some high hopes for the Silver Chair! (The BBC specials had awful special effects, but the music was great and it was fairly well-acted to my memory. Kind of nostalgic. There's also radio adaptations, which are really, really good.)
JRR Tolkien
Oh man, hobbits are the best. They are so wonderful. Just the whole world Tolkien created is really cool. Elves, Dwarves, and Men, along with wizards and such. Such epic stories. I tell you, though, Return of the King could kill me with breaking off from Frodo and Sam to go to the others. CLIFFHANGERS MUCH?! The movies were pretty good overall. I did like some of the little details they fit in. I did not like Two Towers or Desolation of Smaug much (though the teeny part with Legolas and Gloin was hilarious in DoS: references!). There was some great acting though, especially with Bilbo, Gandalf, and Thorin. (Balin and Bofur were great, too!) There was a radio adaptation of both Hobbit and LOTR, which are cool. And honestly, they were sometimes more accurate than the movies. Oh, also, LOVE the old Rankin-Bass Hobbit. It's a little odd sometimes, but the music is absolutely wonderful (Misty Mountains, oh my GOSH), and the animation (though it can be really weird) is nice. It has a nostalgic feel to it, a sort I usually get whenever I watch these old Rankin-Bass specials. They always did great ones.
One of the wittiest shows around. Seriously, so many good lines! And I quote lines every day, so that's a huge plus. SO quotable. Sherlock and John have a great rapport or whatever you call it. Chemistry, maybe? Really well acted. Lestrade is a good fellow too. The characters are all really good, to be honest. Moriarty, though, oh my gosh. I'm surprised HISHE doesn't put him in the Villain's Pub, cause that guy is EVIL. Anyway, I love mysteries, and this show just keeps you riveted for every clue. I've heard they may do more episodes, but as far as I'm concerned, it could very well end right there. Not that I wouldn't like more, but it has a perfect ending just built in. Just saying. Anyway, this show is fantastic. *Meretricious.* "And a Happy New Year!" (Yes, I just did a line).
Adventures in Odyssey
Now, this is one you may not have heard of. It's this radio show I listened to when I was a kid, and it's pretty fun. There are some episodes that are just normal, everyday things, which are a little less interesting (unless it's funny, then I listen). But then when there are episodes with the Imagination Station, or spies, or something having to do with Whit's past, or Jason, or something like that--when there's episodes like that, I listen alright! Honestly, though, one of my favourites is The Day Independence Came. Not because it's patriotic or anything--I'm no Yank--it's just a REALLY cool episode (did I mention I love time travel?). They do sagas really well, too. BTW, if you want some of the coolest ones without having to skip around (do people do that?), just start with their book series: The Blackguard Chronicles. Oh, my, gosh, I am on pins and needles just waiting for the next book to come out. It's a very cool show, and awesome enough to make it on this list.
Phineas and Ferb/Milo Murphy's Law
OH MY GOSH. Where do I even start on this one?! Phineas and Ferb was a terrific show, if a little bit formula-ish. Loads of fun, and can almost always make me laugh. The songs were a little annoying sometimes, but some of them I really liked! A lot of them really got me up and going. Great show, and I literally almost cried when it ended. But then Milo Murphy came along, and things got even better. Milo is so optimistic and OP (over-prepared), and the characters are really unique. Oh, and if we're talking about unique characters, there is no way this paragraph is going without mentioning Cavendish and Dakota. Those guys are so amazing, I love them so much! They always make me grin, except when my heart hurts (Island of Lost Dakotas, and even when Cavendish is just sad because he feels like his career is just an inconsequential joke: I felt so bad for them!) But of course, they're absolutely awesome, and did I mention I love time travel? These guys are possibly my favourite part of the show. Them and Milo. And Sarah. And Mr. Drako. And the Phineas and Ferb references. And the Pistachio--you know what? I just love this show, okay?
WOO-OO! Both old and new are great. I honestly don't know which one would win. The original one had Alan Young's wonderful voice, and Gyro was such a nice character. It's just a classic episodic adventure show, and even though I pretty much know they're all going to be fine in the end, it can be a bit edge-of-your-seat-y. However, the new one's introduced us to lots of ongoing mysteries, and David Tennant does a great job as Scrooge. The triplets and Webby are way more unique, and Mrs. Beakley is actually cool. Though I did like Gyro way more in the original, and for some reason, they switched the Beagle Boys' accents. Launchpad is fun either way, but I feel like he was cooler in the original (take a look at Where No Duck Has Gone Before, and you'll see). But Magica is coming, and in the new one she is scary. I JUST DON'T KNOW! So I'll call it a tie between old and new DuckTales. That'll work.
Okay, this one is mostly the movies. Sometimes the TV shows, but that's mostly cartoons that aren't being made anymore. Like Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes and stuff like that. Marvel makes great movies, and lots of them. The first Avengers movie was epic in so many ways. The Captain America ones are great. And *looks around furtively* I wasn't sure about it at first, but I totally see Vision and Scarlet Witch together. NOT A SHIPPER, but yeah, I can see them working well as a couple. *clears throat nervously after long silence* It WAS in the comics, I think! Anyway, DC makes good movies too, but they're rather darker. However, I do like them, a lot (the Dark Knight ones and Man of Steel were awesome!). BvS was okay, I guess. I should rewatch it. I FLIPPING LOVED WONDER WOMAN. And so now I have high hopes for the Justice League movie. I've not really read the comics, from either of them, except maybe one or two older ones. 50th Anniversary Detective Comics is really awesome!
Okay, this one, not as much. If we're going by the modern movies, and sequels don't count, that is. Though I did like Cinderella. I'm really more into the older movies. There were so many wonderful things! Even the live action ones were terrific (the 1950s Robin Hood, people!). But there are a few more modern-ish ones I liked among their animated works: if we're going by the definition of 'in this century' for modern, I loved the Princess and the Frog. But Sleeping Beauty is definitely my favourite. (Maleficent, why?! This reboot is a disgrace to the forces of evil!! Walt Disney would--okay, stop, nerdrage mode is off. Sorry about that!)
But yes, Sleeping Beauty is my favourite (so beautiful!), and Disney still does a few good things even now.
I'm also vaguely interested in HISHE, Doctor Who, Ninjago (by LEGO), a few Minecrafters, Minecraft: Story Mode, and The A-Team (TV show). Please note, these are not all of my fandoms. These are just my favourites. You'll find out about the others as I do this blog, through all the crazy fandom things I post.
So I guess that's about it for now! And WHEW is it a lot! I've got, what, fifteen paragraphs up there? And that's just my favourites! Give you a notion of what this whole blog is gonna be like? And I'll probably be crossing over tons of these in all sorts of different ways, too (expect characters from one fandom being Sorted into Hogwarts Houses).
Like I said before, the posting schedule does not exist in any way, shape, or form. I post as I will. But I will hopefully get back to this soon, because it is fun! Yes, strange and weird as well, but FUN. But now I must go. Come back soon! Fairfarren, all!*
Star Wars
Yeah, everyone's heard of this one. I loved the originals, of course. Classic! This is a movie that's extremely influential in a lot of ways. (Well, okay, so are some of the others, but even Back to the Future referenced this!) The prequels were kind of meh... though I did soooort of like them, just for seeing how things got the way they were. And then, there was the Force Awakens. And hits the snooze button. If it's anything like me, it will probably hit it two or three times before it actually gets up. I have mixed feelings about certain things, but I did like it. Sort of. Rogue One was okay, not too bad. And I can't wait to see what else they come up with (hopefully, they won't screw it up, like lots of sequels have done).
YEAH! Who ya gonna call? This one was actually a bit of an accident, and I haven't even seen the entire movie, but I know a lot about it. I was actually quoting along with Janine when I watched the Call Scene. I felt freakishly over-informed when I was watching it. But it was a boatload of fun, and I can't wait to watch more! (Please don't ask me about the reboot yet, I haven't got time to go into rant mode. Just no.)
More than meets the eye! It's pretty fun. I think the shows are the biggest part of it, for me. Transformers Prime was epic (gotta love Ratchet!) and I honestly feel like the multiple-parted pilot episode should be edited into a movie. Rescue Bots was loads of fun, and very interesting (ANYTHING can happen in Griffin Rock, including the impossible). The Bumblebee one I haven't seen much of, but I did like a couple of the characters. The original one was a little overloaded with Bots, sort of weird sometimes, but fun (loved Ironhide!) and quite classic. But the movies... well, I've only seen the first one. There were a few things I liked, but a lot of things that made no sense. The one I think I may like was the one right before the newest one. Who knows?
Pirates of the Caribbean
YES! Jack Sparrow is awesome! Sorry, Captain Jack Sparrow. Will is a great guy, Elizabeth (for a while) was a clever heroine, and the secondaries were pretty fun as well. The first one is completely AWESOME! The second one was okay, but definitely not quite as good. The third one... meh. Don't like what I've seen of it (though the song gave me chills). I mean, NO SPARROW for the first, like, forty minutes, and maybe longer! Come on! Anyway, haven't seen the fourth or fifth, but I really want to see the fifth. You have no idea how much I want to see the fifth. I hear some great characters may return, along with some interesting new ones. And characters are a huge thing for me.
Chronicles of Narnia
These books are my childhood. I also kinda like the Space Trilogy, another work by CS Lewis. (Should it be Space Trilogy? They don't call it 'space', EVER) But Narnia is wonderful. I love Silver Chair especially (Puddleglum is one great character, and his speech in the scene with the Lady is incredible!). CS Lewis was a great writer. These books are just wonderful, and very... timeless, really. The movies, though, are not really my thing. The first, they did pretty good. Dawn Treader was okay. We do not speak of the second movie. Though I do have some high hopes for the Silver Chair! (The BBC specials had awful special effects, but the music was great and it was fairly well-acted to my memory. Kind of nostalgic. There's also radio adaptations, which are really, really good.)
JRR Tolkien
Oh man, hobbits are the best. They are so wonderful. Just the whole world Tolkien created is really cool. Elves, Dwarves, and Men, along with wizards and such. Such epic stories. I tell you, though, Return of the King could kill me with breaking off from Frodo and Sam to go to the others. CLIFFHANGERS MUCH?! The movies were pretty good overall. I did like some of the little details they fit in. I did not like Two Towers or Desolation of Smaug much (though the teeny part with Legolas and Gloin was hilarious in DoS: references!). There was some great acting though, especially with Bilbo, Gandalf, and Thorin. (Balin and Bofur were great, too!) There was a radio adaptation of both Hobbit and LOTR, which are cool. And honestly, they were sometimes more accurate than the movies. Oh, also, LOVE the old Rankin-Bass Hobbit. It's a little odd sometimes, but the music is absolutely wonderful (Misty Mountains, oh my GOSH), and the animation (though it can be really weird) is nice. It has a nostalgic feel to it, a sort I usually get whenever I watch these old Rankin-Bass specials. They always did great ones.
One of the wittiest shows around. Seriously, so many good lines! And I quote lines every day, so that's a huge plus. SO quotable. Sherlock and John have a great rapport or whatever you call it. Chemistry, maybe? Really well acted. Lestrade is a good fellow too. The characters are all really good, to be honest. Moriarty, though, oh my gosh. I'm surprised HISHE doesn't put him in the Villain's Pub, cause that guy is EVIL. Anyway, I love mysteries, and this show just keeps you riveted for every clue. I've heard they may do more episodes, but as far as I'm concerned, it could very well end right there. Not that I wouldn't like more, but it has a perfect ending just built in. Just saying. Anyway, this show is fantastic. *Meretricious.* "And a Happy New Year!" (Yes, I just did a line).
Adventures in Odyssey
Now, this is one you may not have heard of. It's this radio show I listened to when I was a kid, and it's pretty fun. There are some episodes that are just normal, everyday things, which are a little less interesting (unless it's funny, then I listen). But then when there are episodes with the Imagination Station, or spies, or something having to do with Whit's past, or Jason, or something like that--when there's episodes like that, I listen alright! Honestly, though, one of my favourites is The Day Independence Came. Not because it's patriotic or anything--I'm no Yank--it's just a REALLY cool episode (did I mention I love time travel?). They do sagas really well, too. BTW, if you want some of the coolest ones without having to skip around (do people do that?), just start with their book series: The Blackguard Chronicles. Oh, my, gosh, I am on pins and needles just waiting for the next book to come out. It's a very cool show, and awesome enough to make it on this list.
Phineas and Ferb/Milo Murphy's Law
OH MY GOSH. Where do I even start on this one?! Phineas and Ferb was a terrific show, if a little bit formula-ish. Loads of fun, and can almost always make me laugh. The songs were a little annoying sometimes, but some of them I really liked! A lot of them really got me up and going. Great show, and I literally almost cried when it ended. But then Milo Murphy came along, and things got even better. Milo is so optimistic and OP (over-prepared), and the characters are really unique. Oh, and if we're talking about unique characters, there is no way this paragraph is going without mentioning Cavendish and Dakota. Those guys are so amazing, I love them so much! They always make me grin, except when my heart hurts (Island of Lost Dakotas, and even when Cavendish is just sad because he feels like his career is just an inconsequential joke: I felt so bad for them!) But of course, they're absolutely awesome, and did I mention I love time travel? These guys are possibly my favourite part of the show. Them and Milo. And Sarah. And Mr. Drako. And the Phineas and Ferb references. And the Pistachio--you know what? I just love this show, okay?
WOO-OO! Both old and new are great. I honestly don't know which one would win. The original one had Alan Young's wonderful voice, and Gyro was such a nice character. It's just a classic episodic adventure show, and even though I pretty much know they're all going to be fine in the end, it can be a bit edge-of-your-seat-y. However, the new one's introduced us to lots of ongoing mysteries, and David Tennant does a great job as Scrooge. The triplets and Webby are way more unique, and Mrs. Beakley is actually cool. Though I did like Gyro way more in the original, and for some reason, they switched the Beagle Boys' accents. Launchpad is fun either way, but I feel like he was cooler in the original (take a look at Where No Duck Has Gone Before, and you'll see). But Magica is coming, and in the new one she is scary. I JUST DON'T KNOW! So I'll call it a tie between old and new DuckTales. That'll work.
Okay, this one is mostly the movies. Sometimes the TV shows, but that's mostly cartoons that aren't being made anymore. Like Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes and stuff like that. Marvel makes great movies, and lots of them. The first Avengers movie was epic in so many ways. The Captain America ones are great. And *looks around furtively* I wasn't sure about it at first, but I totally see Vision and Scarlet Witch together. NOT A SHIPPER, but yeah, I can see them working well as a couple. *clears throat nervously after long silence* It WAS in the comics, I think! Anyway, DC makes good movies too, but they're rather darker. However, I do like them, a lot (the Dark Knight ones and Man of Steel were awesome!). BvS was okay, I guess. I should rewatch it. I FLIPPING LOVED WONDER WOMAN. And so now I have high hopes for the Justice League movie. I've not really read the comics, from either of them, except maybe one or two older ones. 50th Anniversary Detective Comics is really awesome!
Okay, this one, not as much. If we're going by the modern movies, and sequels don't count, that is. Though I did like Cinderella. I'm really more into the older movies. There were so many wonderful things! Even the live action ones were terrific (the 1950s Robin Hood, people!). But there are a few more modern-ish ones I liked among their animated works: if we're going by the definition of 'in this century' for modern, I loved the Princess and the Frog. But Sleeping Beauty is definitely my favourite. (Maleficent, why?! This reboot is a disgrace to the forces of evil!! Walt Disney would--okay, stop, nerdrage mode is off. Sorry about that!)
![]() |
Maleficent is irked at you, rebooters. Very irked. |
But yes, Sleeping Beauty is my favourite (so beautiful!), and Disney still does a few good things even now.
I'm also vaguely interested in HISHE, Doctor Who, Ninjago (by LEGO), a few Minecrafters, Minecraft: Story Mode, and The A-Team (TV show). Please note, these are not all of my fandoms. These are just my favourites. You'll find out about the others as I do this blog, through all the crazy fandom things I post.
So I guess that's about it for now! And WHEW is it a lot! I've got, what, fifteen paragraphs up there? And that's just my favourites! Give you a notion of what this whole blog is gonna be like? And I'll probably be crossing over tons of these in all sorts of different ways, too (expect characters from one fandom being Sorted into Hogwarts Houses).
Like I said before, the posting schedule does not exist in any way, shape, or form. I post as I will. But I will hopefully get back to this soon, because it is fun! Yes, strange and weird as well, but FUN. But now I must go. Come back soon! Fairfarren, all!*
*That's a fandom reference. Obviously.**
**That's another fandom reference.